4 Dec 2013

Kalu Sarkar’s letter to Manoj Das Gupta

[The following is a letter of Kalu Sarkar, son of the famous revolutionary Sudhir Sarkar, and brother of Mona Sarkar. Kalu Sarkar expresses in this letter exactly what most Ashramites feel in the depth of their hearts but cannot utter due to the fear of reprisal from the Managing Trustee of the Ashram.]

The man if he does not stop short  and abandon his way of error, has eventually the Asura full-born in him, and once he has taken that enormous turn away from the Light and Truth, he can no more reverse the fatal speed of his course because of the very immensity of the misused divine power in him until he has plumbed the depths to which he falls, found bottom and seen where the way has led him, the power exhausted and misspent, himself down in the lowest strata of the soul-nature, which is Hell. Only when he understands and turns to the light, does that other truth of the Gita come in, that even the greatest sinner, the most impure and violent evil-doer is saved the moment he turns to adore and follows after the Godhead within him. Then, simply by that turn, he gets very soon into the sattwic way which leads to perfection and freedom. 

(Essays on the Gita – Sri Aurobindo)

Att: Managing Trustee

1. This is in reference to your letter to X without a name, without a date and without a signature. If you want everybody to love you, why don’t you practise the very first prayer the Mother has given us behind every notebook of our institution, to be straightforward, honest, frank and honourable children. It is the heart that speaks the Truth and the Truth comes out from these noble qualities.

2. If one falsehood is to be covered up it requires a spate of falsehoods to support it, which culminates in a catastrophe – such as the present one. Remember every one of us is mentally disturbed. This shows that you are not only a coward but also a very crooked mind.

3. Remember that money underlying this superficiality, the underlying falsehood in the form of an Asuric Force has emerged in you, and if you do not take immediate remedial action to quell such negative forces that often attack you and your trusted Trustees, you would be facing innumerable thorny fences and unprecedented obstacles.

4. We will be glad and happy if you take a U-turn and tackle these problems without favour and fear. Only then will you be loved by all of us.

5. There is no use sitting on the fence. One must be courageous to stand by the truth and proclaim it to the world so as to soothe the feelings of the innumerable devotees, disciples and admirers that are pouring across the country and the world.

6. To save your character and position your duty is placed on the weak shoulders, not by providence directly, but by other Trustees as per the will of Nolinida.

7. By sitting on a thorny fence, if you think that it is thorny, you may easily step aside. Remember self pity is self-deceit.

8. You were used to sitting on a cosy fence – so that eventually you can jump on to the safe side.

9. The cowardice and the eternal doubt in you have unfortunately caught you between the devil and the deep sea. This expression is used when you are caught between two equally terrible things. You are equating Peter Heehs and the so-called Aurobindonians.  In the first place you are equating us to Peter Heehs and in the second place you are calling us the so-called Aurobindonians. What a shame!

10. You have an ulterior motive in quoting the Mother and Sri Aurobindo in order to take an escape route. You have clearly expressed your personal view in the matter, nor have you given vent to it by a public declaration.

11. Why have you not taken the same stand with the “association” people of the Ashram?

12. Lastly, the Trustees are feeling too old and lend themselves not trustworthy. If they seek strength, courage and common sense, the Old Man’s home could be the right place and Manoj should hang his head in shame.

An ardent devotee of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo

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