12 Dec 2014

An Earnest Appeal – by Ritwik Banerjee

Dear Sir & Madam,

I don't know who or who has not has read the last mail/forwards on the subject. Even a single response on any point can ensure some peace of mind to its sender. Kindly let all Aurobindonians know your response thereby on the following counts:

1) Are The Golden Chain Fraternity & its work maintained by Ashram in any manner?

2) What are its goal & agenda?

3) Do you agree with a biography of the Master published in 2008 by the Columbia University Press? Was it warranted?

4) Don't you think its author has spent four decades in the Ashram with you in some way betraying the Ashram?

5) Have you seen a book An Atrocious Biography by RY Deshpande in this connection?

6) Have you seen a review ofthis book on the Internet by Aron Aronite who is a medical practitioner by profession and a spiritualist by tradition?

7) Do you agree with this review and do you want to put that up in your journals, newsletters or websites?

8) Do you know that one Manoj Das in the Ashram has donated Rs. 14 lakhs to the Odisha Chief Minister's Relief Fund?

9) Don't you think the 14 lakhs belong to the Mother because Mr. Das is a long-time inmate of the Ashram provided with food, shelter, clothing and other expenses by the Mother?

10) Do you know that the Ashram always goes to High Courts/Supreme Court in appeal against any case when the judgment is not in its favour in the lower courts of law?   

11) Do you think that all light of truth and judgment lies in the hands of judges and courts and not in the minds and hearts of disciples of the Master?

12) Do you think that the devotees & disciples of the Master offer their money & properties to the Mother for the Ashram Trust to indulge in litigation and unethical ways under the cover of sadhana, especially when there is said to be a "dire need" of money for the basic necessities of Ashramites?

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